Play against top ACL pros in the most realistic Cornhole game ever created!
Play Single Player Tournament Mode to win the virtual ACL World Championship
Play single player against 32 of the top ACL pros digitized and mocapped with their real-life skills and strategy
Try the latest bags from 9 different bag manufacturers with accurately modeled speed rating on both sides
Listen to expert commentary by Trey Ryder and Bernie Nabors critiquing and complimenting your shots and strategy
Stat tracking that includes online winning percentages and shot success
Play one-on-one or two-on-two matches against friends playing together in your own living room
Play as your favorite pro. Unlocking new pros to play as you progress through the game leveling up
Increase your skills (slide, airmail, roll, and push) as you level up earning points by making great shots and winning matches
Cornhole had humble beginnings in the late 1800's when a man named Heyliger de Windt sought to modernize quoits (a game like horseshoes) and developed the early prototype for the game. This early form of cornhole featured a square goal rather than a round one. The game was later reworked by a different company to have two goals of different sizes and two different sized bags as well, and this variety was known as Faba Baga.
The game as it is known today however was started as a grass roots sport in the 1970's and 1980's in the states of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky, with a streamlined playstyle involving one size of bags and one circular goal. This form soon spread to other surrounding states as a popular community and backyard activity. The game has seen a tremendous increase in popularity in the last decade as it has grown, and is today a nation-spanning sport and also enjoys expanding international appeal. The American Cornhole League, founded in 2015, has overseen standardization and modernization of the sport, and organizes official tournaments and leagues, official tournament bags and pro players.
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©2022-2025 FarSight Studios, Inc. FarSight Studios is an official licensee of the American Cornhole League. ©Copyright 2022 The ACL, LLC. All rights reserved. All other likenesses, trademarks, copyrights, and logos are used with permission. All rights reserved.